The Crafty Duck Reviews: The Craftiest-Craft Beer

Cooper Stubbs
3 min readOct 12, 2020

Let’s start off with a bit of a story. On thursday me and a coworker were unpacking a massive shipment of alcohol, aka future market research, when a specific article caught our eye.
Sneaky Bucha. Beer and kombucha. An XPA featuring kombucha.
We looked at each other, slightly amused and staggered. This was the most ‘craft beer’ thing we’ve ever seen.


I’ve done a bit of research into this bad boy during a quiet period at work. The Sneaky Bucha of Byron mainly specialize in kombuchas rather than beer. So instead of infusing beer with kombuchas, they infuse kombuchas with beer, if you catch my drift. So according to my incredibly thorough and extensive 50 second google search, this is more of a kombucha than a beer. Ah well, its on the shelf and it’ll be my first taste of a kombucha.

Okay let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this review! How does this thing taste? What does a beer infused kombucha taste like and why does this exist? Lets find out!

Smell: When I opened the can I got a bit of a whiff of lemonade and a bit of that signature craft beer smell. You know that one smell that you can smell when you open a can of craft beer? I don’t even have to explain exactly what it smells like and you can already smell it. The lemonade like smell is what interested me the most. This must be the kombucha. I’d go and grab a kombucha to try and get a better sense of the smell but I don’t plan on having a Buddha Bowl anytime soon and I’m fairly certain that my chakras are aligned. The smell is rather interesting, lets give it a taste.

Taste: I had no real expectations when going for the first gulp, but the first sip tasted kind of really nice. It’s a bit funky but it’s a good kind of funky. The sweetness is balanced really nicely by a signature bitterness that comes from beer. It leans towards a sour beer, but it doesnt have the sour taste or massive tang that comes with a sour beer. After another extensive 50 seconds of research, I’ve found that this beer is a collaboration product of Kombucha Brewing Co. and Stone & Wood, and I can definitely taste a bit of Stone & Wood’s easy going flavour evident in most of their beers. Overall, this beer kinda blew my expectations. Definitely a nice pickup for people looking for something funky.

Label: Yeah the label is a bit minimalist but it does the job. It’s kinda cute and very minimalist. Nice minimalist touches with the bold and smooth san serif font. The colouring’s bright but not pronounced. It’s smooth, which matches the taste of the beer itself.

Alcohol Content: 4% or 1 standard drink. Very drinkable and you can have 2 of these bad boys in your first hour if you’re at a bar and gotta drive home… I think… I dunno I’m still on my Green P’s.

Overall Rating: Now… I need to get this right as this is the first review I’ve actually done and I’ve started with a weird one. I reckon it suits a good 72% which makes it a solid pickup and a great drink in my books. I’d definitely buy this one again and the brewer has done a good job with this one. Definitely worth a snag if you want a funky beer.

TLDR (How dare you! Read the blog post that I put effort into!)
Beer: Sneaky Bucha of Byron’s Beer & Kombucha XPA
Rating: 72%
Should you try this: Yes do it

Thats all from me folks! Next review’s gonna be one on a very famous one and the results will shock you! (No they won’t lol I’m just clickbaiting this so you’d read the next review and give me more traction ahaha).

